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Law: Please note this State does not have a general privacy law in effect, you can visit USA State Law Tracker to monitor the progress of US State bills.

Regulator: The Minnesota Attorney General

Summary: Whilst the Constitution of the State of Minnesota does not provide for a protection of the right to privacy, State courts have recognised three of four claims of invasion of privacy (Lake v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 582 N.W.2d 231 (Minn. 1998)). In addition, Minnesota is one of the few States that has a specific law on internet service providers ('ISPs') (Chapter 325M of the Minnesota Statutes (Minn. Stat.)), which prohibits disclosure of personally identifiable information ('PII') unless certain conditions apply and requires reasonable steps be taken to maintain the security and privacy of a consumer's PII. In addition, under Minn. Stat. §325E.61, a breach of the security of a system must be communicated to affected residents without unreasonably delay and to consumer reporting agencies within 48 hours if the breach affected more than 500 residents.

